
As the global energy demand keeps increasing, the exploration of fossil fuels is getting more challenging. With the easy-to-find oil resources fast diminishing, geoscientists are forced to venture into the deep ocean basins to locate the oil and gas deposits. However, as the challenges grew, so were the human technical innovations. Advances in seismic data acquisition, processing, and interpretation in the last few decades have significantly increased the success rates of locating oil and gas deposits. ENERGYLYTIX was formed in February 2022 in the state of Texas, USA with the aim to provide state-of-the-art analytical data interpretation services to the energy industry. The prime focus of the company is to provide the clients with important subsurface information within a quick turnaround time so as to enable the decision-makers to take informed and accurate decisions.

Dr. Somanath Misra

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/somanath-misra
Email: somanath.misra@energylytix.com

Being a scientist with an entrepreneurial interest, I strive to utilize my domain knowledge and expertise to provide accurate and dependable information to the decision-makers of my client companies.
I consider myself fortunate to have graduated from one of the top-notch schools in India and Canada. My career as a Geophysicist spanned more than two decades that took me across the globe, from India to Canada and to the USA. During the journey, I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work and collaborate with some of the most highly-skilled professionals of our time.
My experience in the oil industry revolved around analytical quantitative interpretation and collaboration with multidisciplinary teams. My association with other allied disciplines made me realize that success is achieved through teamwork and that effective integration of knowledge from different domains is crucial for a venture to be successful.


Data science and business analytics, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas, Austin.
Ph.D. Geophysics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
M.Sc.Tech. (Applied Geophysics): Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India