Executive Corner

Dr. Somanath Misra
Founder & CEO
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/somanath-misra

From the Desk...

Being a scientist with an entrepreneurial interest, I strive to utilize my domain knowledge and expertise to provide accurate and dependable information to the decision-makers of my client companies. I consider myself fortunate to have graduated from one of the top-notch schools in India and Canada. My career as a Geophysicist spanned more than two decades that took me across the globe, from India to Canada and to the USA. During the journey, I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work and collaborate with some of the most highly-skilled professionals of our time.

My experience in the oil industry revolved around analytical quantitative interpretation and collaborations with multi-disciplinary teams. My association with the other allied disciplines made me realize that effective integration of knowledge from different disciplines is the mantra to success.